Apart from the high-levelsegment from February 28 to March 2, the session also included an urgent debateon the human rights situation in Ukraine, along with many panel discussions anddialogues on human rights in some countries. It adopted the Universal Periodic Review(UPR) reports of 13 countries and 35 resolutions.
In his pre-recorded speech atthe high-level segment on March 2, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son affirmedthat Vietnam wishes to contribute to the world’s common efforts to promote andprotect human rights through its candidature for the HRC membership for the 2023- 2025 tenure.
He noted Vietnamstands ready to work closely with other member states and stakeholders touphold the principles of the UNCharter and international law, andstrengthen the efficiency and effectiveness of the HRC through dialogue,cooperation, and mutual respect. It will promote the enjoyment of humanrights and fundamental freedoms in a comprehensive and holistic manner, in allcivil, political, economic, social, cultural and developmental aspects.
“Ourefforts will focus in particular on the protection of vulnerable groups andcombating violence and discrimination against them; the promotion of genderequality, especially for women and girls in the era of digital transformation;and on protection and promotion of human rights in addressing global issues,especially climate change,” the minister added.
Speaking at the meetings, theVietnamese delegation highlighted the country’s policies, engagement ininternational cooperation, and achievements in promoting and protecting humanrights towards the realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Ambassador Le Thi Tuyet Mai,head of Vietnam’s permanent mission to the UN, the World Trade Organisation (WTO),and other international organisations in Geneva, stressed the country’sconsistent implementation and outstanding attainments in human rights protection.
She called on all nations andthe HRC to enhance cooperation and dialogue to substantively promote humanrights in reality instead of criticising certain countries on the basis ofimprecise and unfully verified information.
The Vietnamese delegation andthe core group for climate change and human rights (the Philippines andBangladesh), with the support of 102 countries, delivered a joint speechstressing that effective actions around the world to resolve root causes of climatechange are critical to promoting and protecting human rights.
They also appealed forgreater financial and technical assistance for developing countries to help them cope with climate change.
Vietnam also actively engagedin the drafting of documents which were adopted by the HRC at this session,including a resolution on equitable, timely, and universal access to COVID-19vaccines.
In addition, Vietnam andother ASEAN countries delivered some joint remarks on the importance ofpolicies and public services to protecting economic, cultural, and socialrights to help with post-pandemic recovery; equitable, full, and timely access byall countries to COVID-19 vaccines at reasonable cost; UN human rights proceduresand mechanisms; and technical cooperation and capacity building./.