Khanh Hoa (VNA) – Vietnam and Norway sharedinformation and experience in sustainably developing marine aquaculture at aseminar in Nha Trang city, the south-central province of Khanh Hoa, on October9.
The event, focusing on sustainable technologyfor industrial marine aquaculture and processing, was held by the VietnameseMinistry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Norwegian Embassy.
Norwegian Ambassador Grete Lochen said hercountry has drawn lessons on the sustainable development of the farmed salmonindustry, and it is ready to share them with Vietnam, thereby helping toprotect the oceans, minimise risks of climate change and sustainably developthe fisheries and aquaculture sectors.
Vietnamese Deputy Minister Phung Duc Tien saidthe two countries have cooperated with each other in the fisheries sector formore than 30 years, adding the seminar was a good chance for them to shareinformation and experience in how to sustainably develop the marine aquacultureindustry.
Participants, including researchers,entrepreneurs and officials, shared information about the Vietnamese State’splanning of industrial marine farming, along with the demand for green technologyand smart solutions in the sector.
Representatives of 12 organisations andcompanies from Norway also presented their country’s experiences and solutionsto develop marine aquaculture and processing.
The event was also an occasion for the twosides’ organisations, agencies and businesses to promote technology transfer,seek cooperation opportunities and gain an overview of advanced greentechnologies for the sector in both countries./.