Dung appreciated contributions of Audit New Zealand as a member ofinternational organisations such as the International Organisation of SupremeAudit Institutions (INTOSAI), the Pacific Association of Supreme AuditInstitutions (PASAI), and the Asian Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI).
She also spoke highly of its support for the SAV in theprocess of participating in multilateral organisations such as INTOSAI andASOSAI, especially when the SAV hosted the 14th ASOSAI Assembly and served as the ASOSAI Chair in the 2018-2021 term.
The State Audit of Vietnam wishes to further promote bilateralcooperation activities; enhance exchanges and experience sharing; and holdjoint seminars to exchange and share professional experience in auditing,especially public procurement audit and environmental audit.
It also wants to receive the Audit New Zealand’s backing forits candidacy for a seat in the ASOSAI Audit Committee for the 2024-2027 termat the 16th ASOSAI Assembly in 2024, stated Dung.
Welcoming the SAV delegation, Ryan briefed the guests on the Audit New Zealand’s development strategy in the coming years, particularly in the 2023-2028 period. The New Zealand side also shared its auditexperience in implementing sustainable development goals./.