Hanoi (VNA) - Dutch businesseshave shown interest in Vietnam’s agriculture sector in general and thevegetable processing industry in particular as the industry has grown well in recentyears.
The statement was made by Dutch AgriculturalCounsellor in Vietnam Arie Veldhuizen at a recent conference in Hanoi toconnect Vietnamese and Dutch agricultural businesses. The conference wasorganised by the Netherlands Embassy in Vietnam and saw the participation ofsome 150 enterprises from the two countries.
Veldhuizen said Dutch companies, such as DeHeus, Friesland Campina and PejaVietnam, were interested in investing inVietnamese agriculture.
According to an assessment of the NetherlandsEmbassy in Vietnam, the bilateral relationship between Vietnam and theNetherlands is a win-win situation in which Vietnamese enterprises and farmerscan learn about and utilise advanced technology to improve theircompetitiveness.
The growth in agriculture is not onlyattributed to the efforts of Vietnamese enterprises but also Vietnam’sGovernment, which is showing increasing concern about the development of chaingoods and has been investing in modern machinery and technology to increase thevalue and quality of products, Veldhuizen said.
However, many opinions suggest that Vietnam's agricultural sector is still limited in the application of advancedcultivation techniques, and logistics services for harvesting and preservinghave gained little interest of local investors. Developing the value chain, onthe other hand, needs large investment by enterprises and policy support fromthe Government.
According to Veldhuizen, to develop theagricultural sector towards the value chain, it is important to link businessestogether. As businesses of many countries meet, they can explore and exchangenew opportunities for cooperation in future. - VNA