Hanoi (VNA) – Vietnam is transforming from anexporter into an importer of energy to ensure its energy security, heard aworkshop held in Hanoi on August 24.
Vietnam’s energy demand has increased rapidlyover the last 15 years, with a commercial energy growth rate of about 9.5percent each year. It is forecast to continue rising strongly in the next 15years. The country’s electricity consumption demand grew about 13 percentannually from 2006 to 2010 and 11 percent each year between 2011 and 2016.
In 2015, total energy consumed nationwide wasestimated at 55 million tonnes of oil equivalent. Under the national energydevelopment strategy until 2020 with a vision to 2050, Vietnam aims to produce andimport 100-110 million TOEs of primary energy by 2020 and 310-320 million TOEsby 2050 so as to meet socio-economic development demand.
The country plans to import around 17 milliontonnes of coal, or 31 percent of the coal needed for electricity generation, in2020, the workshop heard.
At the event, organised by the Ministry ofIndustry and Trade, the German Embassy in Vietnam and Siemens group, DeputyMinister of Industry and Trade Hoang Quoc Vuong said the two countries have stronglycooperated in renewable energy, energy saving and power transmission over thepast years. Notably, the German Government has supported its Vietnamesecounterpart in developing wind power projects through official developmentassistance.
The countries are set to strengthen cooperationin sustainable energy in the time ahead, especially wind and solar power, smartpower grid, energy storage and science-technology research.
He added to develop the sustainable energysector, Vietnam needs cooperation and assistance from the internationalcommunity, particularly development partners that are strong in finance,science-technology and management.
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It always highly values the potential andprospect of cooperation in sustainable energy with Germany, Vuong said, addingthat his ministry is ready to share information and promote cooperationopportunities in the energy sector on the basis of respecting mutual benefits.
Wolfgang Manig, Chargé d’ affaires of theGermany Embassy in Vietnam, said his country has assisted Vietnam insustainable energy promotion and efficient energy use through bilateralcooperation programmes and the private sector’s engagement.
He added Germany is willing to share experienceit has gained in energy conversion. Together with strong partners like Vietnam,Germany is taking the lead in working towards reducing carbon emissions in theeconomy, which is essential amid climate change.-VNA