Deputy head of the Asian-African Markets Department at the Ministry ofIndustry and Trade, Nguyen Phuc Nam, who is head of the Vietnamese delegation,stressed the need to intensify the application of digital technology as well asthe organisation of activities in the online format, while creating favourableconditions for experts, technicians, and project officials from developmentpartners to carry out entry procedures, take COVID-19 tests, and undergo quarantine.
It is also important for CLMV to propose more cooperative projects tobenefit all four countries and support post-pandemic recovery efforts, especiallyprojects facilitating trade and investment, improving regional connectivity,supporting micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises in accessing finance andtechnology, and increasing their capacity.
Regarding the building of a detailed action plan to implement the CLMVDevelopment Framework approved at the 10th CLMV Summit lastDecember, Nam suggested the countries step up coordination to identify feasibleactivities and projects to be included in the action plan.
The CLMV SEOM 20 reviewed the implementation of activities in the2019-2020 CLMV Action Plan, discussed the plan for 2021-2021, reviewed theimplementation of the Promotion of Competitiveness within the Framework of theInitiative for ASEAN Integration (COMPETE) project, and discussed the nextsteps in carrying out the CLMV Development Framework.
Many activities and projects in the 2019-2020 action plan were postponedor cancelled last year due to COVID-19. Thanks to its activeness, however, Vietnamcarried out several planned trade and investment cooperation activities.
The country proactively proposed organising online meetings, trade fairs,and training courses, facilitating trade and investment activities andservices, particularly those through CLMV borders, restricting and removingunnecessary trade barriers, and ensuring the operation of supply chains./.