She made the statement during a seminar in Hanoion October 17 to announce the Vietnam’s Human Development Indices (HDI):Statistical Update 2018.
The report said Vietnam’s HDI is in thehigh-medium group. With 0.694 point in 2017, Vietnam ranked 116th out of the 189countries and needs to earn 0.006 point to be among high HDI group.
Vietnam performed well in health care andeducation but remained slow in income growth. The average life expectancy is76.5 years, ranking second in Asia-Pacific, behind the Republic of Korea.Meanwhile, the average school time is 8.2 years, higher than the average inEast Asia and the Pacific.
The global multidimensional poverty statistics2018 showed that Vietnam’s index was 0.0197, ranking 31st out of the105 countries. Its multidimensional poverty rate was 5 percent, higher thanalmost all countries in East Asia and the Pacific, only behind Thailand (0.79percent) and China (4.02 percent).
About gender inequality index, Vietnam ranked 67th out of the 160 countries. With 0.304 point, near the average of countries withhigh HDI (0.289), Vietnam needs to narrow gap in education and increase therate of female university graduates in science, mathematics, mechanicalengineering and construction (now at 15.4 percent).
The statistical update also provides data aboutforest coverage, carbon dioxide emission, mortality and biodiversity.
Vietnam ranked seventh out of the 181 countriesin terms of forest coverage, and 80th out of the 189 countries in carbondioxide emission, and 165th out of the 189 countries in red listindex.-VNA