Hanoi (VNA) – Minister of Labour, Invalids andSocial Affairs Dao Ngoc Dung affirmed Vietnam’s efforts to link tradedevelopment with ensuring social security while meeting a delegation of theEuropean Parliament’s Committee on International Trade in Hanoi on October 31.
At the event, the two sides discussed issuesrelevant to the ratification of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA),especially labour-related ones.
Over the past few days, the Vietnamese NationalAssembly has spent time on scrutinising the draft revised Labour Code, and thecountry has also consulted the International Labour Organisation (ILO) andrelevant international organisations in the country about this matter, theminister noted.
He cited the international bodies as saying thatthe draft revised Labour Code has made a great stride in making law on labour.The code will affect around 54 million people in Vietnam, and it hashighlighted the right to self-determination and self-negotiation of employeesand employers.
The Vietnamese parliament has ratified the ILO’sConvention No. 98 concerning the application of the principles of the right toorganise and to bargain collectively. Besides, the spirit of the ILO conventionsNo. 108 and 87 has also been reflected in the draft revised Labour Code,according to Dung.
Mentioning the EVFTA that is awaitingratification, the official added Vietnam has been making efforts to associatetrade development with social security ensuring for the sake of sustainable humandevelopment.
At the meeting, Chairman of the EuropeanParliament’s Committee on International Trade Bernd Lange said his delegation’sworking trip to Vietnam this time aims to strengthen Vietnam-EU cooperation. Itis also meant to prepare for the European Parliament and its memberparliaments’ consideration of ratifying the EVFTA and the Investment ProtectionAgreement between the two sides./.