Speaking at the event, Nguyen Minh Hang, Assistant to theMinister, Director of the economic affairs department, said that the Vietnamese Foreign Ministry identifies economic diplomacy as one of the basic and central tasks ofa comprehensive and modern diplomacy, and a driving force for the developmentof the country.
The ministry is willing to share assessments and opinions onthe world economic situation and emerging issues, as well as experience indeveloping economic diplomacy with Laos.
At the seminar, both sides agreed on the importance and role of economicdiplomacy in contributing to national development, affirming the necessity for thetwo ministries’ cooperation and sharing of experience in this field in thecontext of an extremely complicated world situation.
Participants heard reports on each country’s economicdiplomacy and development of strategies on this aspect, and measures to boosteconomic diplomacy in the two countries’ relations.
They also exchanged views on difficulties in carrying outeconomic diplomacy, and new orientations in the mobilisation of resources,particularly from international integration.
In the afternoon, the two ministries plan to co-organiseanother seminar on the concerted and effective implementation of economicdiplomacy to serve economic recovery and development./.