Vientiane (VNA) - Vietnam and Laos agreed to proposetheir governments allow the resumption of the clearance of goods at main and secondaryborder gates during the 30th annual border meeting in Vientiane onNovember 30.
Deputy Foreign Minister and Chairman of the National Boundary Commission, Le Hoai Trung, led the Vietnamese delegation to themeeting, while the Lao side was led by Foreign Minister and Deputy Head of theLao National Border Committee, Saleumxay Kommasith.
Participants reviewed theimplementation of the agreement on land border and border gates managementregulations, as well as the minutes of the 29th meeting.
They also discussed orientations for cooperation in the time to come, focusingon measures to further promote socio-economic development in each country and ensuresecurity and defence in shared border areas.
They also proposed measures to address the difficulties posed by COVID-19 for bordermanagement and protection.
Both sides shared the view that the two countries’ authorities have workedclosely on border management, contributing to the success in preventing thespread of COVID-19 and encouraging cooperation and exchange in border areas.
They said they will continue to coordinate on implementing agreements on bordermanagement signed in 2016 and other relevant agreements.
Efforts made by the two sides have contributed to strengthening the friendship,special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries.
Heads of the Vietnamese and Lao delegations also signedthe minutes of the meeting, agreeing to organise the 31st meeting inVietnam in the fourth quarter of 2021./.