Hanoi (VNA) – Vietnam – Japandefence ties have received significant attention from leaders of the twocountries and grown well, according to Vietnamese Defence Minister Ngo XuanLich.
He made the statement at a reception forJapanese Ambassador to Vietnam Umeda Kunio in Hanoi on March 28.
Lich said the progress has brought aboutmutual benefits and contributed to peace, stability and development in theregion and the world.
The minister suggested bilateral defencecooperation should focus on military health care, search and rescue, naturaldisaster prevention, bomb clearance and dioxin detoxification.
For his part, Umeda Kunio lauded Vietnam’srole in the region, stressing that defence engagements between Vietnam andJapan have grown significantly in recent years.
The diplomat said Japan is considering providingmore aid for Vietnam to overcome the consequences of war.-VNA