The plan’s objectives are to enforce legal provisions onfisheries in a concerted and effective manner, and address all shortcomings andlimitations as recommended by the EC in order to have its “yellow card”warning removed within 2023.
It aims to unify awareness, actions and engagement of thewhole political system in IUU fishing prevention and control. Heads of Partycommittees, Party organizations and authorities at all levels are requested to directlylead, instruct and take main responsibility for this work, considering it an urgentand prioritised political task.
The plan of action also highlights the importance of the managementof exploitation and sustainable development of the fisheries sector for thebenefits of the people and the country; and increasing Vietnam’s internationalposition, image and responsibility in the implementation of internationalcommitments and treaties in the protection of the marine environment andsustainable marine ecosystems, thus contributing to ensuring national defenceand security, and sovereignty.
To achieve these targets, the plan requires relevantministries, sectors and localities to review and make lists of all fishing vessels,and complete the registration, marking of vessels, license issuance,installation of vessel monitoring system (VMS) according to regulations.
In addition, all ships will be inspected at border posts/stationswhen entering or leaving ports to ensure the VMS operates around the clock at sea, and be monitored via VMS while operating at sea. The process of verifying and certificating the origin of seafood must be carried out in accordance with the guidance of the Ministry of Agricultureand Rural Development.
From now to May, the plan aims to end illegally fishing in foreign waters; investigate and handle all cases ofVietnamese fishing vessels being arrested by other countries, and handle andsanction all IUU fishing-related cases, and publicise them on the mass media.
Vietnam will push forward negotiations on delimitation of overlapping andundefined sea area between Vietnam and countries such as China, Malaysia andother relevant neighbouring nations.
It will also intensify international cooperation activitieson fisheries, IUU fishing prevention and control, and fishing cooperation withother countries, and regional and international fisheries organisations./.