In an announcement made public on October 21, the California Educationand Training Export Consortium (ETEC) said that US selected collegesand universities will be invited to participate in this highly focusedseminar and matchmaking forum organized by Vietnam in cooperation withthe California ETEC.
Representatives from more than 40 universities and several Vietnamesebusinesses investing in education in Vietnam will also attend theforum, a centerpiece of the Meet Vietnam Programme.
According to the California ETEC, a primary objective of this specialevent is to match specific Vietnamese academic and vocational trainingneeds with U.S. institutional capacity and related faculty expertise.Priority goals of Vietnam 's Ministry of Education and Training to bediscussed include the development of 23 advanced programmes andestablishment of an American-style university in Vietnam .
Announced collaboration opportunities include support of a world classresearch institution to be based at Can Tho University; development ofa Vietnam PH.D. scholarship programme that aims at sending 10,000candidates to the US through 2020; paid faculty exchange and curriculumdevelopment; and cooperation to establish high quality vocationaltraining programmes in Vietnam .
A success story of university cooperation will be reviewed, including apresentation from a US university representative who will providestep-by-step analysis of how a college or university can establish aproductive collaboration in Vietnam./.