Participants shared opinions on the preparations of South Africa’spolitical parties before the election, which is slated for May 7.
Prof. Roland Henwood, a lecturer from the University of Pretoria,along with many other scholars in South Africa, predicted that theruling African National Congress (ANC) will win the upcoming electionand play a crucial role in raising the country’s voice in the continentand the international arena.
In the coming time, South Africawill focus on implementing its National Development Plan (NDP) with avision towards 2030, further boosting cooperation and partnership withtraditional trade partners, including the South-South Cooperation, Prof.Henwood told Vietnam News Agency reporters in Pretoria.
Thecountry strives to strengthen its involvement in internationalorganisations such as the African Union (AU), the Southern AfricanDevelopment Community (SADC), BRICS (an association of five majoremerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and SouthAfrica) and the United Nations, he added.
Presiding over theworkshop, APC President Ambassador Le Huy Hoang stressed that this is agood opportunity to foster collaboration between ASEAN member countriesand local universities and institutes.-VNA