Quy briefed the participants on the outcomes of the visit, which was organised toimplement the UNSC Resolution 2577 (2021), which encourages the committee’sChair to conduct field trips to South Sudan to monitor the implementation ofmeasures of the council’s resolutions related to the African country and thepeace process in the country.
During this visit, Quy sought information and assessments of the South SudaneseGovernment and related partners on the political, security and humanitariansituation in the country, the progress of the implementation of the 2018 PeaceAgreement in South Sudan, and the implementation of review criteria under theUNSC Resolution 2577 (2021), thus creating a basis for the council to reviewand consider adjusting or lifting the arms embargo related to South Sudan in2022.
The Vietnamese representative welcomed the progress in SouthSudan since the establishment of the Transitional Government. As this was thelast meeting of the Committee chaired by Vietnam in the 2020-2021 term,Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy expressed his thanks for the support and cooperationof the Committee's member countries and the UN Secretariat during the period.
Committee member countries emphasised that the visit chairedby Vietnam helped countries better understand the situation in South Sudan andthe results of the implementation of the 2018 Peace Agreement. They alsoexpressed their gratitude for Vietnam’s contributions in the past two years as theChair of the Committee.
The Security Council Committee established pursuant toresolution 2206 (2015) concerning South Sudan oversees the sanctions measuresimposed by the Security Council.
Non-permanent member countries of the UNSC take turn toassume the position as the Chair of the Committee./.