Geneva (VNA) – Vietnamese Ambassador Duong Chi Dung, headof the Vietnamese permanent mission to the United Nations, the WTO and otherinternational organisations in Geneva attended the 37th session ofthe UN Human Rights Council which opened in Geneva on February 26.
The first week of the event will feature a high-level meeting, to be attendedby President of the UN General Assembly Miroslav Lajcak, UN Secretary-GeneralAntonio Guterres, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad al Husseinand nearly 100 leaders of countries and international organisations.
Opening the event, UN Secretary-General Guterres and leaders of membercountries welcomed achievements that mankind has made since the UniversalDeclaration of Human Rights was issued 70 years ago.
They stressed that the international community should make more effortsto tackle challenges facing human rights, while strengthening cooperation inimplementing global commitments, especially the Agenda 2030 on sustainabledevelopment.
Guterres and other UN officials expressed concern about the expansion ofterrorism, extremism, xenophobia, discrimination and migration. The human rightssituation in Syria and Rakhine State of Myanmar also drew attention.
Vietnam will deliver presentations and join discussion on a number ofissues during the four-week session, and contribute to the negotiation process tobuild documents of the UN Human Rights Council.
On the sidelines of the session, Vietnam will host an internationalseminar on the role of information and communication technology in promotingeconomic, cultural and social rights and reducing inequality on February 27.The event is also co-sponsored by Maldives, Bangladesh, India, Japan, France,the Philippines and the International Telecommunication Union.
The session, which will run until March 23, also includes thematicdiscussions, dialogues and talks on human rights in Burundi, the DemocraticPeople’s Republic of Korea, Ukraine, DR Congo and the Central Africa Republic.-VNA