The countryis fine-tuning legal regulations, strengthening the capacity of agenciesconcerned and spreading sustainable support models for traffickedvictims, while increasing multilateral cooperation in the effort, saiddeputy head of the Ministry of Public Security’s General Department ofCrime Prevention and Control, Lieut. Gen Do Kim Tuyen.
He said cooperative efforts within the COMMIT framework are asignificant part of Vietnam’s national programme for 2016-2020.
Senior officials from sub-regional Mekong countries, including China,Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam, reviewed the progress oftheir joint crackdown on human trafficking based on memoranda ofunderstanding and agreements adopted by the COMMIT’s senior officialsand inter-ministerial meetings.
They also shared experience in launching effective social models to protect those vulnerable to traffickers.
The meeting is scheduled to focus on orientations to launch the fourthstage of a sub-regional action plan on human trafficking prevention, aswell as prepare documents for the third COMMIT inter-ministerialmeeting slated for April 30 in Phnom Penh.-VNA