Jakarta (VNA) – A Vietnamesedelegation led by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs To Anh Dung attended theHigh-Level Dialogue on Indo-Pacific Cooperation in Jakarta, Indonesia, on March20.
The event saw the presence of foreign ministersand senior officials from 10 ASEAN nations and its eight partner countries, namelyAustralia, China, India, Japan, the Republic of Korea, New Zealand, Russia andthe US, along with representatives of some South Pacific countries.
Themed "Towards a Peaceful, Prosperous, andInclusive Region," the dialogue offered an opportunity for the countriesto exchange cooperation initiatives in the Indo-Pacific region and seek win-winpartnerships.
Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla emphasisedthat building the Indo-Pacific into a peaceful, stable, cooperative, andprosperous region has significant meaning not only for countries in the regionbut also others beyond.
Indonesia proposed the countries focus on threepriority fields, namely marine cooperation, infrastructure and connectivity,and sustainable development.
At the discussion on March 20 morning,representatives of the 10 ASEAN countries and the eight partner countriespresented their views on cooperation in the Indio-Pacific region, as well assuggested orientations and measures to boost collaboration.
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs To Anh Dung calledon the countries to join hands to realise the target of building a peaceful,stable, cooperative, developed, and prosperous Indo-Pacific region.
The diplomat recommended taking peace, stabilityand prosperity as the common goal while respecting independence, sovereignty,and self-determination right of the countries.
He described dialogue and cooperation as keytools in relations between the countries and suggestedpromoting comprehensive and effective multinational cooperation and increasingthe role of ASEAN to orient cooperation based on the existing cooperationprogrammes and plans as well as the cooperation mechanisms and frameworksfounded and led by the bloc.-VNA