Nearly 100 delegates from communist,workers and left-wing parties, as well as different social movementsfrom more than 20 countries discussed their future orientations, thelegitimacy of building an anti-fascist front and their experience increating a new society based on social equality, as well as socialism inthe 21 st century.
They shared the view thatneo-liberal capitalism was a direct cause of the global financial crisisand economic downturn, undermining social welfare, healthcare andeducation, and creating pressures on employment and environmentalprotection.
They said the return of right-wingparties and fascism was posing a challenge to communist and workers’parties and progressive left-wing forces around the world. In thiscontext, the participants pledged to increase solidarity, facilitateexperience sharing, and expand coordination between left-wing andprogressive forces in order to safeguard peace and secure the rights ofworkers in the name of equality and sustainable development.
Vietnam, China and Cuba were hailed for their successful communist models.
The conference adopted a statement calling for peace and resisting thepotential return of fascism 70 years after the end of the Second WorldWar.-VNA