Speaking to the Vietnam News Agency ahead of the election offive non-permanent members of the council slated for June 7, with Vietnam being acandidate of Asia-Pacific region, head of the Senegal delegation to the UNCheikh Niang also highlighted that the Southeast Asian country has gained manyexperiences after successfully shouldering such a role for 2008-2009. “Vietnamhas done a good job,” he stressed.
Vietnam is also recognized as a country with an importantrole in the region which sometimes sees tensions, conflicts and differences ona number of issues, the diplomat said, adding that the country has alwaysproved to be a responsible and not aggressive member of the world community.
However, he also stressed that Vietnam still has manychallenges to overcome if it wins the election, first of all the definition ofits priorities and the working out of suitable agenda. The diplomat expressedhis hope that Vietnam can understand African countries’ wishes so as to play animportant role in settling the problems confronting the region.
Sharing experiences of Senegal in winning a seat at thecouncil for the 2016-2017 term, the diplomat said the country launched acommunication campaign to mobilize support and worked out a very clear actionprogramme focusing on two key issues: security and peace. “The key to successis communication,” he stressed.
It is important to try and look for ways in which the sidescan work together and exchange views to find common points, the diplomat said,concluding that diplomacy is the search for the common points-VNA