In an interview granted to Vietnam News Agency on theoccasion of the 59th founding anniversary of diplomatic ties(October 28), Vinh noted that in the first nine months of 2021, two-way tradereached only 110 million USD. There is currently one Vietnamese businessinvesting in Algeria, while no investor from the African country is present inVietnam.
In the context that the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting allaspects of the economic and social life, including diplomatic activities anddelegation exchanges between the two countries, the embassy has made greatefforts to organise a number of activities in order to strengthen and promotethe traditional friendship between Vietnam and Algeria.
These activities have contributed to maintaining a close and regularrelationship between the two governments and the two Ministries of ForeignAffairs, affirming and consolidating the traditional friendship based on thecommon history of the two countries, he stated.
Senior leaders are committed to further promoting the bilateralrelationship by holding regular discussions, consultations and supporting each other atinternational forums.
Next year will mark 60 years since Algeria gainedindependence and the two countries set up their diplomatic ties, Vietnam andAlgeria will organise a wide range of celebrations, including VietnamCulture Day/Week in Algeria or Algeria Culture Day/Week in Vietnam./.