The Ambassador stressed that in implementing the Resolution of the 12th Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the country has been activelyparticipating in the UN’s cooperation and activities across the fields, winningthe approval of international friends.
As a result, the country has been elected to many UN agencies with highvotes, such as the Security Council (2008-2009 tenure), the Economic and SocialCouncil (1998-2000 and 2016-2018 tenures), the Human Rights Council (2014-2016tenure), the UNESCO Executive Board (2015-2019 tenure) and the International LawCommission (2017-2021 tenure).
The ambassador stressed that Vietnam has been consistent in upholdingbasic principles of international law and the UN Charter in addressing internationalconflicts and disputes by peaceful means on the basis of respect forindependence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of countries withoutinterference into countries’ internal affairs. Vietnam has made manycontributions to efforts for disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons,especially nuclear weapon and other mass destructive weapons.
Those achievements are in line with the external policy of enhancingquality and effectiveness of multilateral external work and proactivelycontributing to the building and formation of multilateral institutions as setin the Resolution of the 12th Party Congress, he said.
Also in implementing the 12th Party Congress’s guideline onproactively joining multilateral defence and security mechanisms, the countryhas pushed forward with sending personnel to participate in the UN’speacekeeping activities. The Vietnam Peacekeeping Department was set up inJanuary this year based on the Vietnam Peacekeeping Centre which wasestablished in 2013, with the task of expanding the scale of the country’sparticipation in UN peacekeeping activities.
In development cooperation in the UN framework, Vietnam has activelyadvocated South-South cooperation through taking the initiative in buildingmodels and joining tripartite projects. The country has worked with the UN tosuccessfully pilot the Delivery as One initiative and build the Green One UN Housein Hanoi, helping enhance the operation efficiency and connections of UNagencies in Vietnam.
On July 5 this year, Vietnam and the UN signed a Joint One StrategicPlan (OSP) for the 2017-2021 period between the Vietnamese Government and 18 UNagencies, which Ambassador Quy described as an important milestone marking thestrong commitment of both the UN and Vietnam to realising the agenda on sustainabledevelopment to 2030. The plan also serves as an important foundation forVietnam and the UN to carry out specific cooperative activities in the yearsahead.
As a member of the Human Rights Council during 2014-2016, Vietnamactively participated in efforts to promote human rights in the world. The countryinitiated a resolution on the impact of climate change on children’s rights, whichwas approved by the council. It also proposed and joined in many ideas on protectingthe right to work of people with disabilities, ensuring safe working environmentfor workers at sea, and fighting the trafficking of women and girls.
At the same time, as coordinator of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN) at the Human Rights Council, Vietnam was also active in coordinatingthe positions of ASEAN member countries at the council and spoke on behalf ofthe bloc during discussions.
Ambassador Quy affirmed that Vietnam seriously performed the country’sobligations in human rights protection, as demonstrated in its successfuldelivery of two Universal Periodic Reviews.
The ambassador said Vietnam will continue to work for peace, stabilityand sustainable development in the region and in the world, while deepening itscooperation with the UN. The country will join other UN member countries inupholding basic principles of the UN Charter and international law, promotingequal, fair, friendly and cooperative international relations and ensuring thelegitimate interests of all countries, especially developing countries.
Vietnam will participate deeper in UN peacekeeping activities and strivefor the successful implementation of the 2030 Agenda for SustainableDevelopment, Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris agreement on climatechange.
The country will keep up with its support of efforts to reform the UN inthe direction of enhancing the efficiency, transparency and democracy of itsactivities.-VNA