Based on this spirit, Vietnam has joined andeffectively implemented many international cooperation agreements andprogrammes on labour and human resources development, Hang stressed when commentingon the signing of a new memorandum of understanding between Vietnam and theInternational Labour Organisation (ILO), which includes the country’s accessionto more ILO conventions.
Vietnam has so far joined 25 ILO conventions,including seven of the eight basic conventions, including those related to collectivebargaining, preventing and fighting discrimination, child labour, and forcedlabour. The country has also made efforts to implement these conventions,including the internalisation of their provisions in the national legal framework,especially the 2019 Labour Code.
To promote the application and implementationof international labour standards in Vietnam and to intensify close cooperation,especially in studying Vietnam’s accession to 15 more ILO conventions, Vietnamand the ILO signed an MoU on May 20 on cooperation in accelerating theimplementation of international labour standards in Vietnam over the next 10years, Hang said./.