Resolution S. Res. 607 was submittedby Senator Cory Gardner and Senator Ed Markey of the Subcommittee onEast Asia, the Pacific and International Cybersecurity Policy of the US Senate Committee on ForeignRelations while ResolutionH. Res. 1018 by Congressman Ami Bera and Congressman Ted Yoho of the Subcommitteeon Asia, the Pacific and Nonproliferation of the country’s House ofRepresentatives Committee on Foreign Affairs.
The two resolutions recognised that in the 25 years since normalisingdiplomatic relations, “the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the United Statesof America have worked toward increased stability, prosperity, and peace inSoutheast Asia,” and expressed the sense of the Senate and the House ofRepresentatives that the US will continue to “remain a strong, reliable, andactive partner in the Southeast Asian region.”
They reaffirmed theimportance of the countries’ comprehensive partnership, from politics, economy –trade, security – defence, settlement of war consequences, education –training, health care, locality-to-locality ties, to cooperation within regionalmechanisms.
They also highly valued the large Vietnamesecommunity’s contributions to the US’s development while highlighting bilateralcooperation in the cleanup of dioxin, removal of unexploded ordnance, andsearch for remains of US and Vietnamese soldiers missing in the war.
The US Congress welcomed Vietnam’sgrowing role and stature in the region and the world, especially when it servesas ASEAN Chair in 2020 and a non-permanent member of the UN Security Councilfor 2020-2021.
The US side also welcomed Vietnam’s readiness to protect freedom of navigation and international law in the East Sea, and affirmed that Vietnam’s rights and interests in accordance with international law must be respected.
On this occasion, VietnameseAmbassador to the US Ha Kim Ngoc offered thanks to the US Congress for itssupport for the two countries’ comprehensive partnership./.