An agreement to this effect was signed by Chevron and Save the Children representatives in Hanoi on November 9.
The initial objective of the project, entitled “Vietnamese rural womenadapt to the market economy”, is to introduce new and suitable businesshabits to women who run small businesses and raise domesticated animalsin rural areas.
The project will provide women with more opportunities to accessfinancial services and help them get acquainted with market-orientedbusiness models.
Speaking at the signing ceremony, President of the Vietnam Union ofFriendship Organisations (VUFO) Vu Xuan Hong expressed thanks toChevron Company and the Save the Children Foundation for theirinitiative to assist poor women.
He said that the VUFO’s working committee for foreign non-governmentalorganisations (NGOs) is ready to create favourable conditions for NGOsto effectively implement humanitarian aid projects for Vietnamesepeople./.