Thisis one of a number of measures adopted by CAAV to ensure the effective use oftaking off and landing slots from airlines to meet higher demand during thesummer’s peak travel season.
Statisticsfrom the CAAV showed that Pacific Airlines, Vietravel Airlines and Vietnam AirServices Company (Vasco) top the list of airlines that use less than 80 percentof the allocated slots.
PacificAirlines used a mere 38 percent of confirmed slots at Tan Son Nhat InternationalAirport while Vietravel Airlines had a ratio of 23.8 percent. At Noi Bai InternationalAirport, Vasco, a subsidiary of Vietnam Airlines has 33.3 percent of its slotsunused.
BetweenApril 12 and April 18, the Tan Son Nhat Airport saw most of airlinesutilise their slots except for Pacific Airlines with 15.9 percent of itsslots unused. The ratios of slots unused at the Noi Bai InternationalAirports were low but that of Vasco reached 51.2 percent.
DinhViet Son, deputy head of the CAAV, said the authority has seized unused slotsfrom foreign carriers and distributed them to domestic airlines sinceinternational services were suspended due to COVID-19 pandemic to preventineffective use of slots and facilitate the operation of domestic flights.
TheCAAV also requested air carriers return the unused slots within seven daysso that they could be allocated to other airlines.
TheTan Son Nhat International Airport can handle 984 flights each day, while the NoiBai International Airport can serve 708 flights.
Inrelated news, the CAAV has requested tightening security measures at airportsto ensure order and security during the four-day holiday on the occasion ofNational Reunification Day (April 30) and International Labour Day (May 1).Agencies were asked to arrange facilities and staff to meet increasing demandduring the holiday.
Thenational holidays on April 30 and May 1 are expected to see increasedtravel demand as May 1 falls on Saturday and State employees and students couldhave an additional day off on May 3./.