Deputy PM Binh made the statement at an online conference on July10 reviewing the inspection sector’s work in the first half of 2017 and settingplans for the second half.
According to the Deputy PM, several inspections had been conductedslowly, some inspections were low-quality and there were inefficiencies inreceiving and settling people’s complaints.
“Besides achievements, the State management and law enforcement insome areas remain unsatisfactory, citizens’ complaints and denunciations remaincomplicated, corruption and wastefulness have not been pushed back and lawviolations are still found in many areas,” said Deputy PM Binh.
“The inspection sector’s task is extremely hard, especially indealing with complaints, denunciations and inspections of and fighting againstacts of corruption.”
In regard to settling complaints by groups of people, Deputy PM Binhsaid such complaints must be dealt with justly, while the nature of cases mustbe precisely assessed to devise proper recommendations for higher authorities.
The work must ensure the interests of the State, people andinvestors, he said.
He said investors changing land use purpose after they bought itto increase its value was one reason for the slow settlement of some cases.
“We respect investors’ interests. The State should holddevelopment and people’s lives in close association with land rights,” said theDeputy PM.
“Therefore, any settlement must harmonise the interests of allparties involved, local people as well as investors in regard to added values.”
“Planning must be made public and put forward for public opinion.On the other hand, work involving compensation, resettlement and vocationaltraining for local people must improve their lives. Inspection officials mustprovide effective consultation to complete institutions and exercise socialjustice, besides dealing with violations.”
Deputy PM Binh underscored that work to prevent corruption must besynchronised, corruption should be strictly dealt with and laws on fighting corruptionshould be promulgated faster.
Regarding inspections in 2018, Binh called for the GovernmentInspectorate to detail plans to submit to the Prime Minister for approval,which will be used to develop specific plans to tackle shortcomings in State management,and enforcement of policies and laws.
Inspections in 2018 should focus on pressing issues regarding themanagement of land, housing, exploitation of mineral resources, environmentalprotection, investment, construction, financing and banking, settlement of baddebts, market management and counterfeit goods prevention and fighting,tendering for drugs and medical equipment and privatisation of State-owned enterprises,among others.-VNA