Accordingly, to meet a growth rate of 3 percent forthe entire year, the national economy must expand at least 7.06 percent in thefourth quarter of this year. Meanwhile, to fulfil the yearly target of 3.5percent, the quarterly growth is set at 8.84 percent.
The economic performance in the last quarter dependsgreatly on the implementation of the strategy on safe adaptation to theCOVID-19 pandemic, Phuong stressed.
Businesses should restore their operations, even reachingonly 80 percent of their capacity, to spur the economic growth, Phuong said,expressing his hope that the quarterly target of 7 percent would be completed.
Regarding transport activities, Deputy Minister ofTransport Nguyen Ngoc Dong said the ministry has consulted relevant ministries,agencies and localities to put forth guidance on passenger transportation, whichwas issued on September 30 and took effect as from October 1.
The provisional guidance on passenger transport byroad, rail, inland waterway, sea and air is based on risk classifications indifferent areas.
Public transport activities in very high risklocalities (red zones) are not allowed to operate, except for taxi andapp-based vehicles that offer less than nine seats and use vehicle partitionand electronic payment.
For localities in high risk or orange zones, publicvehicles can only carry half their designed capacity.
Public transport can resume operation as normal inlow- and medium-risk localities and regions (green and yellow zones).
All passengers must comply with the 5K message,medical declaration, negative SARS-CoV-2 test (using RT-PCR or rapid antigentest) within 72 hours.
No testing is required for people who have receivedone jab or fully vaccinated or have recovered from COVID-19 within six months.
Drivers and staff must comply with the 5K message,medical declaration, test for SARS-CoV-2 by PCR or rapid antigen test afterdeveloping suspected symptoms.
In medium and high-risk localities, they must betested for SARS-CoV-2 frequently (once every week).
Drivers in very high-risk areas must have received twoCOVID-19 jabs or recovered from COVID-19 within six months and have a negativeSARS-CoV-2 test result within 72 hours by RT-PCR or rapid antigen test.
Provincial People's Committees will grant permits forroad passenger transport activities depending on the pandemic situation in eachlocality.
The Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam will alsoadjust the frequency of operations in phases depending on the actual situation./.