In the period, a total of 5,703 traffic accidents occurredacross the country, killing 3,314 people and injuring 3,690 others.
The figures represent decreases of 10.41% in the number ofaccidents and 17.69% in the number of injuries, and a rise of 2.44% in thenumber of deaths compared to those in the same period last year.
Of the accidents, 5,637 cases happened on the road, claiming3,240 lives and injuring 3,676 others, down 10.51% and 17.82% in the numbers ofaccidents and injuries, respectively, but up 1.82% in the number of deathsyear-on-year.
The country also reported 42 railway accidents, whichresulted in 29 fatalities and 11 injuries. These figures represent rises of10.53% and 22.22% in the numbers of accidents and injuries, but a reduction of3.33% in the number of fatality.
Accidents on the waterway were down 16.6% to 20 cases,wounding three but killing 33 people. Meanwhile, four maritime accidents left12 dead and missing./.