Witha coastline of 65 kilometres, the province has advantages for aquaculturedevelopment, but climate change and changes in the aquaculture environment havecaused risks of disease.
Toadapt to climate change, the province has shifted to other methods, includingthe shrimp – forest farming model, which is mostly implemented in thecoastal districts of Cau Ngang, Chau Thanh and Tra Cu, and Duyen Hai township.
Underthe model, shrimp bred under extensive farming methods eat mostly natural foodin the mangrove forest. The shrimp is 'clean' and is popular with consumers.
Thevariety that is mostly bred is black tiger shrimp, one of the country’s keyshrimp exports.
FarmerPham Thai Binh in Duyen Hai district’s Long Vinh commune has bred shrimp in a3ha mangrove forest for nearly 20 years and earns an average profit of about 100million VND (4,300 USD) a year.
Theprofit is not as high as that from breeding shrimp under industrial farming,but it is stable.
“Theshrimp – forest farming model is a sustainable livelihood as it reduces therisk of shrimp disease,” he said.
Binhbreeds about 200,000 shrimp a year and staggers the release of shrimp fry intoponds in the forests four times a year in the dry season to avoid an oversupplyin the main harvest season. As a result, the shrimp sells at high prices.
Inthe rainy season when the salinity of water fluctuates and shrimp are easilyaffected by disease, Bình breeds crabs in the mangrove forest.
DuyenHai district’s authorities have encouraged farmers with modest financeswho breed shrimp under intensive or super - intensive farming models toswitch to shrimp – forest farming.
DuyenHai has more than 8,500ha of shrimp, according to the district’s Bureau ofAgriculture and Rural Development.
Theshrimp – forest farming model accounts for nearly 60 percent of the district’sshrimp farming areas.
TranKien Chuc, Chairman of the Dong Hai Commune People’s Committee in Duyen Hai,said that most farmers who breed shrimp in mangrove forests have stable incomes.
Theshrimp - forest farming model offers a profit of 100 – 200 million VND (4,300 –8,600 USD) per hectare a year.
Theprovince’s Agriculture Extension Centre last year supported 22 shrimp breedinghouseholds in Duyen Hai’s Dong Vinh and Long Vinh communes on a total breedingarea of 36ha.
Thehouseholds were provided 12 million VND (520 USD) per hectare forproduction costs, including 50 percent of the cost to buy black tiger shrimpfry, 50 percent of the cost to buy water - quality measuring tools, and a partof the cost to buy food and other material inputs.
Theywere also trained in advanced farming techniques, which help reduce productioncosts.
Thesupported households had an average yield of 700 kilogrammes of black tigershrimp after breeding for three months and an average profit of 74 million VND(3,200 USD) per hectare.
HuynhHoang An, in Long Vinh commune, said he received support to breed shrimp in a2.5ha cajuput forest.
Thecosts to feed the shrimp are not high because they eat mostly naturalfood. “Shrimp bred under the model grow well and have few diseases,” he said.
Anhas expanded his shrimp – forest farming area to 7ha.
NguyenVan Phung, deputy director of the centre, said the shrimp – forest farmingmodel has adapted to climate change well.
Theprovince has encouraged farmers to expand as it offers sustainable profits andkeeps forests protected.
Theprovince has more than 9,000ha of forests, mostly mangrove forests, with aforest coverage rate of 3.63 percent.
Ofthe province’s total forests, more than 4,000ha were planted by localhouseholds who breed shrimp in the forests, according to the province’sDepartment of Agriculture and Rural Development.
Theprovince plans to grow more new forests, aiming to increase its total forestarea to 10,000ha by 2025./.