It placed in the group of 701-800, an improvement from last year’s 901-1000group, the Nhan dan newspaper reported.
Several other institutions in the same group with Ton Duc Thang Universityinclude Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), the University of Waikato (NewZealand), Chungnam National University (Republic of Korea), City UniversityLondon (UK) and Université Gustave Eiffel (France).
The top three positions on the 2020 ARWU ranking are Harvard, Stanford andCambridge, respectively.
The ARWU is considered one of the world’s most prestigious university rankings,along with the QS World University Rankings and Times Higher Education.
It comes up with the final list by analysing four factors - education quality(10 percent), faculty quality (40 percent), scientific research (40 percent),and average per capita academic productivity (10 percent).
It has been publishing the list of the top universities in the world annuallysince 2003.
Founded in 1997, Ton Duc Thang is a pioneer in the piloting of autonomy fortertiary education institutions in Vietnam./.