Tien Giang (VNA) - The Mekong Delta province of Tien Giang willplant 250ha of new protection forests in coastal areas from 2021 to 2025, twicethe amount of the 2015-20 period, according to the province’s Department ofAgriculture and Rural Development.
About 1,300ha coastal protection forests, mostly mangrove trees, help protectsea dykes and prevent erosion along the province's coast.
Mangrove forests are planted along the 32 kilometre provincial coastline andalong the mouths of the Vam Co and the Tien River in Go Cong Dong and Tan PhuDong districts.
However, the mangrove forests have declined in both area and quality in recentyears because of coastal erosion, strong waves and other factors.
In Go Cong Dong, strong waves have caused erosion 10-20 metres deep inlandannually, resulting in a loss of 20ha of mangrove forest each year.
The district’s Tan Dien and Tan Thanh communes have many coastal sections thathave lost protection forests, affecting the safety of the dyke that protects37,000ha of farmland inside the dyke.
The province is planning public information campaigns to raise awareness in allclasses of people about the importance of planting new forests and protectingexisting forests.
The province is also giving more responsibility for managing, protecting anddeveloping forests to local authorities. New forests must be planted to make upfor the losses of the areas that have been re-purposed for other uses.
It plans to allocate about 1,000ha of coastal protection forests to localhouseholds and organisations to protect and exploit natural resources.
It has called for investment for planting forests, and has funds from domesticand foreign organisations to prevent erosion and plant protection forests alongthe Go Cong sea, which will help restore and sustainably develop the local mangrovesystems in response to climate change./.