The projects includebuilding or upgrading in-field irrigation canals and ditches that ensure waterand help to prevent saltwater intrusion in the dry season.
The projectshave protected more than 18,000ha of rice, 6,000ha of vegetables and 3,000ha ofother crops from water shortage and saltwater intrusion in the winter – springcrop.
They havealso helped to secure daily-use water for 38,000 households in coastal areas.
In Go CongDong, apart from investing in in-field irrigation canals and ditches, localauthorities have built four new sluices for taking irrigation water since thebeginning of the dry season.
The districthas organised the collection of rubbish and water hyacinths on in-fieldirrigation canals and ditches so that irrigation water can flow easily intoeach field.
The districthas taken measures to restructure agricultural production to suit each area,according to local authorities.
In the winter– spring crop, farmers in Go Cong Dong have expanded cultivation of vegetablesand other crops on 1,500ha.
Go Cong Dongand Go Cong Tay districts normally face severe saltwater intrusion in the dryseason and face shortage of irrigation water at the end of the winter – springcrop.
The twodistricts have also expanded advocacy activities about the impact of saltwaterintrusion to the public.
Localauthorities in the two districts have encouraged farmers to dredge irrigationditches in orchards to preserve fresh water for irrigation.
Ngo Van Dung,head of the Go Cong Tay Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Development, said thedistrict has invested in irrigation projects and taken measures to cope withsaltwater intrusion and drought.
Besidesinvesting in in-field irrigation canals and ditches, the district has built 124temporary dams to preserve irrigation water for the dry season, he said.
In theongoing winter – spring crop, the two districts have solved the shortage ofirrigation water for growing rice and other crops as more irrigation projectshave been built and the winter – spring crop rice was planted earlier thannormal.
Farmers arehaving a bumper harvest of winter – spring rice, getting a yield of 6.5 tonnesper hectares, up 1.2 tonnes against the last winter – spring crop, according tolocal authorities.
Profits fromgrowing vegetables are two to three times higher than from rice, said localauthorities./.