Hanoi (VNA) – The Thai Embassy in Hanoi on December 3 organised acelebration to mark 92nd anniversary of Thai National Day andcommemorate the birthday of the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej (December 5).
Speaking at the ceremony, Thai Ambassador Tanee Sangrat stressed that this isan opportunity for the Thai people worldwide to look back on the late King’sgreat contributions for the interest of the Thai nation and people.
Regarding the Vietnam – Thailand relations, the diplomat said that since thetwo nations set up diplomatic ties 43 years ago, they have enjoyed fruitfulfriendship with impressive cooperation in education and economy.
Particularly, the year 2019 is an important milestone in the bilateral ties,with various exchanges of high-level delegations, he said, adding both sidesagreed to elevate their relations to a new high on the basis of their strategicpartnership at the third meeting of the Vietnam – Thailand Joint Committee onBilateral Cooperation in January.
The economic cooperation has been unceasingly developing, with Thailand beingthe largest trade partner of Vietnam in the ASEAN bloc. The two countriestarget 20 billion USD in two-way trade in 2020, and 30 billion USD in 2025.
He took the occasion to thank Vietnam for supporting his nation when it playedthe role as the ASEAN Chair in 2019, expressing his belief that Vietnam willsuccessfully organise the ASEAN Summit and related meetings in 2020.
He wished that both countries will enjoy stronger strategic partnership in thetime ahead, become a trustworthy partner of each other, and together overcomechallenges to reap crowning achievements.
On behalf of the Vietnamese Government, Deputy Minister of Foreign AffairsNguyen Quoc Dung believed that Thailand will gain more success in the nationaldevelopment, and gain increasing prestige in the region and the world.
The Vietnam – Thailand relations have developed in a more practical and deepermanner, he said, adding the two nations have worked to improve the efficiencyof bilateral mechanisms as well as promote all-round cooperation while closelycoordinating at regional and international forums, especially the ASEAN and theUN. The moves have helped consolidate solidarity and unity within the ASEANbloc, and ASEAN’s central role in regional issues.
Registering over 10 billion USD in more than 500 projects in Vietnam, Thailandis a leading foreign investor in the nation. In addition, people-to-peopleexchange has been enhanced through years, with hundreds of thousands ofVietnamese and Thai tourists travelling between the two nations a year.
Dung said he rejoiced at the bilateral relations, affirming that the ties willfurther develop to meet expectation of the two peoples, and make contributionsto regional and global peace, stability, cooperation and sustainabledevelopment./.