The local e-newspaper The Nation Thailand quoted CherdchaiChaivaivid, director-general of the Department of International EconomicAffairs and Thailand's APEC senior official, Foreign Affairs Ministry, as saying that the upcoming APEC Summit in 2022 will take place in the midst of a globaleconomic recession and serious geopolitical tensions.
Despite these unfavourable possibilities, Cherdchai statedthat Thailand is committed to achieving the Bangkok Goal Declaration on the BCGeconomy.
According to him, the focus of this declaration would be theBCG economy model. It will serve as the business code of conduct for the 21 APECmembers in terms of trade and investment.
He explained that the declaration will be highlighted infour agenda items on dealing with the climate change consequences; beingenvironmentally responsible in order to ensure long-term sustainability; seriousconservation of natural resources and their efficient use; and businessmanagement with little or zero waste.
The official believed that APEC leaders will support the declaration as the environment and climate change are now urgent global issues./.