“The latest case is from Chachoengsao where a 30-year-old woman allegedlyposted on her Facebook page that she had found infected people at a hospital inMuang district,” minister Buddhipongse was quoted by the Nation newspaper.
Her post was widely shared by Facebook users and some news outlets evenfeatured it on their websites, without verifying the credibility of the source,added Buddhipongse.
According to the minister, releasing and sharing fake news will only causepanic among the public, which will ultimately lead to wrong practices in virusprevention as well as discrimination against people who only have the commonflu.
In the long term, this could affect Thailand’s image as incapable of containingthe virus and educating the public, which may affect the confidence of foreigninvestors and tourists in the future, he stressed.
Releasing fake news is a violation of Section 14 (2) of Computer-related CrimeAct BE 2560: Uploading falsified information into a computer system which mayaffect national security, public safety or may cause public panic. The maximumpunishment is a fine of 100,000 baht (over 3,200 USD) and/or five yearsimprisonment, minister Buddhipongse said.
The government has created an Anti Fake News Centre to work with the police intracking down and arresting individuals who release false information about thenew coronavirus outbreak on social media and other online outlets.
The centre will collaborate with the Royal Thai Police’s Technology CrimeSuppression Division, the minister said./.