Patients wishing to come to Thailand fortreatment must first test negative to COVID-19, and then quarantined inhospital for 14 days along with the people accompanying them. They will also betested for COVID-19 while under quarantine.
Each patient is allowed to bring along onlythree relatives and friends, who will only be allowed to travel around Thailandafter quarantine.
Suwannachai Wattanayingcharoenchai, Chief ofthe Disease Control Department, said foreigners requiring immediate medicaltreatment will be allowed into the country at all times.
Private hospitals are required to providenames of patients and coordinate with the Foreign Ministry,he said.
Dr Akom Pradittasuwan, Director of theDepartment of Health Service Support, said the agency has verified 98 hospitalsand 26 clinics as alternative hospital quarantine sites, and they will be opento both Thais and foreigners.
Last year, foreign patients spent 15,000 baht(480 USD) per session on anti-ageing and rehabilitation, 140,000 baht oncardiovascular care, 300,000 baht on treatment of bones, joints, ligaments andmuscles, 29,000 baht on dentistry, almost 500,000 baht on infertility treatments,700,000 baht on cancer treatments, more than 2 million baht on organtransplants, over 26,000 baht on health examination, up to 50,000 baht on otherconditions, 550,000 baht on heart surgery and 350,000 baht on gastric balloonsurgery.
This year, it is expected that foreign andThai expat patients are expected to hold up to 160,000 treatment sessionswithin three months and bring the country up to 18 billion baht (580 millionUSD) in revenue./.