Speaking after a recent meeting, he said thesepolicies include reducing expenses, increasing income and expandingopportunities for the public while supporting small and medium-sizedenterprises (SMEs); ensuring a balance between consumers, agriculturalproducers and business operators, allowing them to sustain their livelihoodsand businesses; and implementing collaborative efforts with provincial commerceoffices and commercial counsellors to enhance the export capability of SMEs.
The Thai Government will address legal barriers totrade to create a system conducive to business development, and promote adigital wallet policy to stimulate the economy that is convenient in remote areas.
It will also accelerate exports by leveraging thecountry's soft power and creating compelling stories for Thai products andservices, while maximising the benefits of free trade agreements and fosteringnew economic development in the country.
In addition, the government plans to establish amatching fund through public-private partnerships to invest in high-potentialstartups on a global scale, according to Phumtham./.