The EGAT’s goal for motorcycle taxi riders in Bang Kruaidistrict, Nonthaburi province, is to encourage a switch to 51 pilot electricmotorcycles. They can run for 100 kilometers on a single charge at a maximumspeed of more than 80 kilometers per hour, reported the NationalNews Bureau of Thailand (NNT).
The electric motorbike taxis are equipped with a GPSsystem to ensure safety and build confidence among passengers. It is expectedthat the service will be available by the end of 2020.
The EGAThas also developed two electric boats which are driven by electric power from214 kWh lithium-ion batteries for a distance of 60 kilometers on a singlecharge. The air conditioner system in the passenger area has been designed touse electric power from solar cells installed on the roof. Each boat can carry upto 80 passengers. During the first phase, their progress is being studied toassess the boats’ performance by using them on the EGAT’s missions.
Forelectric vehicle development, the EGAT and the National Science and TechnologyDevelopment Agency has developed an EV Kit to transform old cars into electricvehicles that can run for 200 kilometers on a single charge with the highestspeed being more than 160 kilometers per hour. The cost of modification,excluding battery, is about 200,000 THB (6,300 USD) per vehicle. At present,training and knowledge dissemination for entrepreneurs is being prepared./.