The army noted that it must also follow the emergencydecree and be commanded by the Centre for Maintaining Peace and Order(CMPO), adding any operation by the army must adhere strictly to thelaw.
Calling on protesters to keep calm and act peacefully, thearmy said it will reinforce forces to work with police in patrol areasin accordance with the emergency decree.
The Thai Governmentapplied the decree last week. It gives the CMPO the power to order theuse of force, and stipulates that the army must abide by the law.
In another development, President of the Democratic Party AbhisitVejjajiva said the party could run for election if the February 2scheduled election was delayed.
Speaking at a meeting withthe Election Commission (EC) of Thailand and seven other parties,Abhisit said the party would like to give suggestions for the settlementof the current political conflict in Thailand .
Theevent took place right before the January 28 meeting between the ECPresident Somchai Srisuthiyakorn and Prime Minister YingluckShinawatra.-VNA