During the monitoring of the national electricity system in April and earlyMay, prolonged intense heat waves across a wide area led to a significantincrease in electricity consumption.
Even though the early May heatwave in the northern region only lasted a fewdays, it resulted in very high levels of power capacity and electricityconsumption throughout the country.
For instance, the total power consumption on May 6, albeit a Saturday, reached43,300 megawatts, while the total energy consumption reached 895 millionkilowatts per hour (kWh).
Forecast for the upcoming months of May, June, and July indicates that thenorthern region will enter the peak period of hot weather, resulting in anincreasing trend of electricity consumption, surpassing the planned operationof the national power system approved by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
Meanwhile, the hydrological situation of reservoirs in recent months hasexperienced unfavourable fluctuations, significantly lower than the multi-yearaverage.
Many hydropower reservoirs across the country are facing water shortages, withseveral hydropower reservoirs in the central and southern regions experiencinglow water levels.
According to the EVN, 10 are close or under the "dead level", whichmeans that the total consumption is under 4,500 megawatts.
These reservoirs are Lai Chau, Tri An, Ialy, Ban Chat, Huoi Quang, Trung Son, BuonKuop, Buon Tua Srah, Srepok 3, and Song Ba Ha.
The remaining electricity production in the entire system is 4.5 billion kWh,which is 1.6 billion kWh lower than the planned amount and 4.1 billion kWhlower than the same period in 2022.
According to the forecast by the National Centre for Hydro-MeteorologicalForecasting (NCHMF), as El Nino is expected to occur in the later months of2023, there will be higher temperatures and lower rainfall compared to themulti-year average, which will further contribute to a decreasing trend inwater inflow to reservoirs during the second half of the year.
To deal with this situation, EVN asked its customers to tighten energy-savingconsumption, especially in the noon and evening hours.
EVN recommends putting air conditioners at a reasonable level, between 26 to 27degrees Celsius, and avoiding using multiple high-capacity electrical devicessimultaneously./.