The package, which will roll out on August 5 and end in November, will doublethe speed of internet cable services for all internet users. Telecom companieswill also provide users with a bump of 50 percent of their cellular data at noadditional cost while slashing by half the cost of the most popular datapackages.
All traffic to websites with COVID-19 information such as the Ministry ofHealth and the virus tracking and reporting site Bluezone will be free ofcharge. Telephone users in areas in which social distancing is in effect underGovernment Directive 16/CT-TTg will automatically receive 50 minutes ofsame-network calls, free of charge.
The telecom companies said they want to make it as easy as possible for peopleto work and study from home, in light of stricter social distancing measuresthat are now in place in many parts of the country.
Furthermore, Viettel, VNPT and Mobifone will contribute 5,000 VND from eachdata package purchased or extended by users to the National Fund for COVID-19Fighting and Prevention.
Viettel, VNPT, FPT and CMC, in collaboration with the Ministry of Informationand Communications, will also introduce 17 online platforms designed to helpcitizens follow, report and track the development of COVID-19 within thecountry.
"The telecommunication sector has been doing its best to ensure theunimpeded flow of accurate and positive information. It is also buildingdigital platforms and applications, to help citizens learn about preventing thespread of the virus," said the Minister of Information and CommunicationsNguyen Manh Hung.
"This package is another step taken by the sector to support the people ofVietnam in the fight against the virus. The country will surely overcome thevirus to emerge in the new normal, as a stronger digitalised society,” he said.
The ministry lauded telecom companies for their contributions to the nationaleffort to fight off the pandemic. Since the beginning of 2020, telecomcompanies in Việt Nam have rolled out numerous discounts, support packages andCOVID-19 awareness campaigns worth over a billion US dollars. Of that, the bigthree Viettel, VNPT and Mobifone, have contributed over 900 million USD.
Speaking to companies in the sector, Minister Hung stressed the importance ofsupporting businesses and citizens in difficult times.
"In good times, people use services provided by telecom companies and helpthe sector grow. In difficult times such as this, it's their turn to return thefavour," said the minister.
"Good businesses must look to nurture their market," he said.
"During the pandemic, the Internet has become, at times, the only means ofcommunication available to connect citizens and the government," he said."The stricter social distancing measures are the more demand there is foronline communication.”
“Communication has played a vital role in sending help to where help is neededthe most."
The minister said COVID-19 is a good opportunity for the sector to ramp up thespeed of the country's digitalisation. For example, increasing cellular datalimits without slowing down traffic speed presents the sector with a challengethat requires companies to make additional investments in technology andinfrastructure networks. This will pay off in the long term when the countrymakes a strong economic comeback post-pandemic./.