Chol Chnam Thmay, the traditional New Year festival of the Khmer community, isone of the most important events of the year in their culture. It usually laststhree days and is celebrated mostly in pagodas.
At the visits, SonMinh Thang, Standing Deputy Head of the Steering Committee emphasized the Khmerpeople’s contributions to important socio-economic achievements in theSouthwestern region.
He affirmed that dueattention has been paid to implementing policies for the Khmer, including thoserelating to education and training, healthcare, poverty reduction, and thepreservation and promotion of the group’s cultural values.
He wished the Khmer people and Buddhist dignitaries and followers a cosy andhappy Chol Chnam Thmay festival.
On the day, the officials also visited the Khmer Buddhist dignitaries and peoplein the neighbouring province of Tra Vinh in celebration of Chol Chnam Thmay.
At Kom Pong and Ang pagodas, Thang expressed his hope that Buddhist dignitariesand followers and the Khmer people will join in developing the provinceprosperously.
Up to 2,000 poor Khmer households have been provided with land to build houseswhile many others have been benefiting from policies to support production andgenerate jobs, according to the provincial Ethnic Affairs Board.
The same day, LeHung Dung, Deputy Head of the Steering Committee for the Southwest paid a CholChnam Thmay visit and presented gifts to disadvantaged Khmer people in theMekong delta city of Can Tho.-VNA