The move is part of a new draft circular by the finance ministry,aiming at guiding the supervision of securities trading on the two nationalstock exchanges.
According to the draft, the SSC will draw up and develop annualsurveillance plans for securities transactions.
Under the plans, national stock exchanges together with theSecurities Depository Center, trading members and other sources of information,will be responsible for submitting weekly and monthly reports to the SSC on thesupervision of securities transactions.
Based on the reports, the SSC will carry out actions to prevent,detect and handle trading acts manipulating the stock market and otherviolations of regulations on securities trading.
The SSC will also monitor stock transactions of investors todetect abnormalities which may cause affect the confidence of investors.
Regarding abnormal transactions, the stock exchanges must sendreports on these transactions to the SSC within 24 hours of detecting thecases.
For other cases, the stock exchanges have to assess each case andpropose a plan to handle them.
The draft also stipulates that the Securities Depository Centrehas the right to request organisations and individuals under their managementthat engage in derivatives trading to provide information for the supervisionplan.
Whenever they detect abnormal signs in payments or signs ofinsolvent investors, the Securities Depository Centre must timely notify theSSC and the stock exchanges in a timely fashion.-VNA