Hanoi(VNA) – The following is the speech by Deputy Prime Minister and ForeignMinister Pham Binh Minh at the opening session of the 53rd ASEANForeign Ministers’ Meeting on September 9.
Your Excellency Nguyen XuanPhuc, Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam,
Excellencies ForeignMinisters of the ASEAN Member States and the Secretary General of ASEAN,
Distinguished delegates,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I would like to express my sinceregratitude to His Excellency Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Prime Minister of the SocialistRepublic of Viet Nam for his attendance and important guidance.
I was hopeful of welcoming you to Ha Noi in thistypical beautiful autumn, nonetheless conditions do not allow us to do so. I lookforward to meeting you in Viet Nam at the earliest possible time.
Similar to the 36th ASEAN Summit, this isthe first time ever our annual AMM is held via video-conference. Such rapidtransformation in ASEAN operational modalities is perhaps one of the noticeableimpacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Your ExcellencyPrime Minister,
Ladies andGentlemen,
Dynamic in action, flexible in response, and creativein cooperation are typical features of ASEAN over the past 50 years.
In the past decade, guided by the spirit of “From vision to action”, the ASEANCommunity has gradually taken shape. The initial stage of that path has beencompleted, laying important foundation for the ASEAN Community building process.ASEAN has been, step by step, promoting its central role in shaping an open,inclusive, transparent and rules-based regional architecture.
Entering its 6th decade, ASEAN is now speeding up its Community building while maximizing itsrole and status in the region and actively contributing to the joint effortsfor peace, stability and development of the international community.
We are witnessing the rigorous transformation of theway international relations interact. The roles of international law andmultilateral institutions are being greatly challenged. On the rise are thetrends of power politics, egoistic calculations, and inconsistency incountries’ behaviors. Globalization, regional integration and economicliberalization have, to some extent, are encountering stumbling blocks. Inaddition, we are also facing complicated developments of global issues, notablythe COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.
Being vigilant at challenges, proactive in response, andcohesive in action, ASEAN has upheld solidarity and persistently pursued itsgoals, and joined hands in combating the pandemic. Such ASEAN’s determination hasbeen demonstrated in the Vision Statement on a Cohesive and Responsive ASEANadopted at the recent 36th ASEAN Summit.
ASEAN has obtained significant progress recently. ManyASEAN economies have been able to maintain positive growth rates, though lowerthan the set targets. Trade growth with Dialogue Partners has been maintained overthe past months.
SEAN also made good use of the wave of investment shift tothe region. The grouping’s relations with Dialogues Partners have been furtherstrengthened and expanded. The number of non-regional countries desiring to accedeto ASEAN’s Treaty on Amity and Cooperation (TAC), establish new partnerships orenhance their current partnerships with ASEAN are rising. In the fight againstCOVID-19, ASEAN’s recovery rate has been relatively high with low mortalityrate.
We have been also standing firm in conducting our ownapproach- the ASEAN way - to preserve peace, stability and development in theregion in the face of multi-dimensional impacts from the outside strategicsetting as mentioned in the Statement that we, the ASEAN Foreign Ministers,adopted on 8 August 2020, on the occasion of the ASEAN commemorative event.
Your ExcellencyPrime Minister,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
At this AMM, we will discuss specific measures toeffectively implement the instructions of the ASEAN Leaders at the 36th ASEAN Summit. We will also exchange views on how to further promote regionalcooperation and integration, overcome challenges and difficulties in order tosuccessfully achieve the set targets and map out the way forward.
As stated by His Excellency Prime Minister Nguyen XuanPhuc, we will continue to consolidate solidarity and unity, caring and sharing,respect for each other’s interests and concerns, so that ASEAN Member states shallbe sustainably bonded within a strong ASEAN Community.
We are resolved to overcome difficulties, effectivelyand timely achieve the targets in the ASEAN Community Vision 2025, ensure fullimplementation of all provisions and procedures in the ASEAN Charter, and tocontinue improving the operational effectiveness of ASEAN’s sectoral bodies andother ASEAN-led dialogue and cooperation mechanisms.
Building upon the efforts made by ASEAN over the pastyears, we will continue to enhance connectivity and sustainable development,encourage innovation, promote inclusive and equitable growth so that no one isleft behind. The ASEAN initiatives, such as the ASEAN Network of Smart Cities,Connecting Connectivities, etc., will continue to be effectively implemented. Withthe desire to help ASEAN sub-regions catch up with and closely link to theoverall development process of the Community, I look forward to your valuable inputsat the Special Session of the ASEAN Coordinating Council on Sub-RegionalDevelopment at this AMM.
Being aware that the threat of the COVID-19 pandemicis still looming, we will, on the one hand, proactively contain the pandemicthrough prevention measures, development of accessible vaccines and medications,on the other, undertake early and effective actions to support the people andbusinesses to overcome the consequences of the disease, step by step recoverthe economy and return their life to normal. The ASEAN Coordinating Councilwill discuss thoroughly ways and means to effectively push forward ASEAN’sefforts and initiatives to respond to the COVID-19.
To mitigate theadverse impacts of the complicated dynamics in the regional and internationalstrategic landscape, and in order to maintain stability to focus on fightingthe disease, we have to concentrate on consolidating the ASEAN-led dialogue andcooperation mechanisms. In the meetings with the Dialogue Partners during thisAMM, we will deliberate issues relating to future of the forums, such as EAS onthe occasion of its 15th anniversary, ARF with a new action programfor the 2020 – 2030, and continue to broaden and deepen the cooperation with DialoguePartners within the ASEAN 1 and ASEAN 3 frameworks to maximise these platforms’roles in the new circumstances.
In parallel with that are efforts to formulate andimplement universally accepted norms of conduct, and to uphold the principlesenshrined in the United Nations Charter and the ASEAN Charter concerninginter-state relations, including those on adhering to international law,equality, mutual respect, understanding and trust. Strategic trust as mentionedin the 8 August Statement will be an important factor to neutralize suspicions,to sincerely cooperate with each other on the win-win basis and to prevent thedanger of conflicts.
ASEAN will continue making active contributions andpromoting its role in efforts to sustain international peace and security. TheMinisterial Dialogue between ASEAN and its Dialogue Partners, aimed atencouraging the role of women in sustainable peace and security, constitutesASEAN’s practical contribution to implementing Resolution No. 1325 of the UNSecurity Council on Women, Peace and Security.
Challenges to the regional security and stability arealways present, including factors threatening peace, stability, security,safety and freedom of navigation and aviation in the South China Sea, acritical sea lane of communication of the region and the world. ASEAN willpersistently hold onto its principled position, emphasizing self-restraints, peacefulsettlement of all disputes on the basis of international law, including 1982UNCLOS, promoting dialogues, strengthening confidence building, non-militarizationand refrain from further complicating the situation. ASEAN will persistentlypromote the full and serious implementation of the DOC and will endeavor toformulate an effective, substantive COC in conformity with international lawand 1982 UNCLOS.
To take the lead in setting our future development path,we will discuss ways and means to develop a new vision for the post-2025 ASEANCommunity, inheriting the existing achievements so as to help ASEAN effectivelyrespond to challenges and opportunities arising in the coming decades.
Excellency PrimeMinister,
Ladies andGentlemen,
With these expectations and taking into account PrimeMinister Nguyen Xuan Phuc’s directions, I look forward to productivediscussions with all ASEAN colleagues and the Dialogue Partners.
“Embrace thepride in our heart, ASEAN we are bonded as one, Look-in out to the world”, thewords from the ASEAN Song at the beginning of this opening ceremony seem to be stillringing in me with a lot of emotions.
Thank you for your attention and may I wish you, PrimeMinister and all of you, Ladies and Gentlemen, the best of health./.