Reviewing the two-year implementation of theGovernment’s 2012-2020 Action Programme for resolution 15/NQ-TW onseveral social policy affairs, Deputy PM Dam highlighted the positiveresults of the programme.
He continued by askingrelevant ministries and sectors to make additional efforts to utiliseState aid more effectively by encouraging beneficiaries to use the aidto develop production and business and avoid dependence on theassistance.
According to a report from thecentral Steering Committee for the action programme, the budgets forsocial welfare programmes reached 5.04 percent of GDP in 2014 two yearspost-programme implementation. Social policies have improved, especiallythose targeting ethnic minorities and communities in rural, border andisland areas.
The Ministry of Labour, WarInvalids and Social Affairs’ statistics show that over 95 percent ofthose who have served the nation have access to social welfare benefits.
As of late 2014, the rate of impoverishedhouseholds stood at 5.8-6 percent, down 4 percent from late 2012. Fundsprovided to people living in extreme poverty was raised from 180,000 VND(8.28 USD) to 270,000 VND (12.42 USD) per person per month.
The number of policy beneficiaries is currently around 2.7 million, up from 2.37 million people in 2012.-VNA