Accordingly, journalists should use their accounts on social networks to interactwith one another, share and post information that serves interests of thesociety and the nation, and comment on issues of public concern in a correct,cultural and responsible manner.
They should inform competent agencies about wrongful information spread onsocial networks, which adversely impacts and harms interests of the communityand the country, as well as prestige of organisations and individuals.
The rules allow journalists to detect, verify and use information about newsocial issues to serve their job.
However, they must not violate regulations on managing, supplying and usinginformation on social networks, on data and document security as well aspersonal information protection, and other regulations of the laws.
Journalists must not post and remove articles, photos and audio articles onsocial networks for extortion or other ill purposes.
The rules ban journalists from posting articles, photos and audio articles on socialnetworks, sharing their comments and viewpoints or quoting speeches andopinions against guidelines and policies of the Party and State, the contentsof the articles they have written and published, and viewpoints of theiragencies.
Copying, sharing and spreading articles, audio articles and photos collectedillegally are also prohibited.
Journalists must not publicize unverified information that may cause unrestamong the public as well as losses to socio-economic activities, and hinder theoperation of State agencies or on-duty officials. They must not also physicallyharm citizens and negatively affect their dignity, incite violence and supporta lifestyle of debauchery, superstition, bad behaviors and discrimination ingenders, regions, ethnic groups and races.
Journalist must avoid vulgar description of obscene cases and crimes, andinformation unsuitable with traditional culture and morality.
They must not use logos, photos and data of the VJA and use the name of theassociation to participate in forums and social networks without permission.
The social network rules will create positive changes in press activities inVietnam, said VJA Permanent Vice President Ho Quang Loi in an interview withthe Vietnam News Agency right after the release of the etiquette.
He highlighted journalists’ responsibility for providing and orientinginformation and guiding public opinions, saying any wrongful opinion and act byjournalists on social networks would cause great harm to the community and thesociety.-VNA