This was revealed in findings unveiled by Facebook last week.
The survey, developed by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation andDevelopment (OECD), World Bank and Facebook, is a source of information onSMEs looking to learn from other businesses.
This includes insights on how businesses are more confident if they tradeinternationally and how those that trade internationally are using digitaltools at a higher rate.
The percentage is not so high but still higher than the global average of 42percent, according to the survey, which was conducted last December, a monththat was significant since it ended one year of the country’s economicdevelopment.
The December survey revealed some 69 percent SMEs were hopeful of a positivefuture, nine percent higher than the global average rate.
Thirty-eight percent of SMEs said they created jobs in the past six months and66 percent said they want to create jobs in the next six months.
Among the key findings for Vietnam, the survey revealed the most commonchallenges for business, which included attracting customers, increasingrevenue and maintaining profitability.
“Some 78 percent of Vietnamese small businesses said they used online tools toadvertise to potential new customer products and services,” according to thesurvey.
Facebook said 21 percent of small businesses surveyed engaged in internationaltrade. This was high considering 70 percent of these businesses have fewer than10 employees and are not large multinationals.
The most commonly reported challenges for small businesses engaging ininternational trade are finding business partners, market access limitationsand different regulations in other countries, which comprised 82 percent, 64percent and 54 percent of the participants, respectively.
Meanwhile, women running businesses were found to be as confident about thecurrent and near-term outlooks of their businesses and reported facing the samechallenges as male-run businesses.
Women-run businesses used digital tools for two of the six purposes included inthe Future of Business survey, more than male-run businesses.
Small businesses represent more than 90 percent of enterprises in all economiesand also constitute a majority of a country’s employment virtuallyworldwide. OECD, World Bank and Facebook teamed up to create an onlinemonthly survey of small businesses to understand their sentiment, activitiesand challenges. Timely information about businesses provides a pulse on thecurrent and future economic environment in which businesses operate and givesinsight on ways to help businesses grow.
Nearly 6,100 Vietnamese businesses took part in the monthly surveys in 2016,according to reports.-VNA