Singapore (VNA) – The Singapore Government willcontribute 200,000 USD as seed money to support the Singapore Red Cross (SRC)'spublic appeal to aid disaster relief and recovery in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laosand the Philippines.
The country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) said on November 5that the contribution supplements the SRC’s earlier donations of 50,000 SGD (36,849 USD) to the Philippine Red Cross, and about 33,000 SGD (U24,321 USD) eachto the Red Cross Societies in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.
"As a close friend and fellow ASEAN member state, Singapore stands byVietnam, Cambodia, Laos and the Philippines at this difficult time," the ministrysaid.
The four countries have been hit by typhoons, severe storms and floods inrecent time. Especially, four subsequent storms, including typhoon Molave, thestrongest in 20 years, and a prolonged low-pressure system together triggeredhistoric rainfall in central Vietnam, with Quang Nam province recording in excess of500 mm a day and other areas 2,000-4,000 mm in a short period of time.
Since late September, 235people in Vietnam's central region have been listed as dead or missing fromstorms and floods, which have also caused estimated economic losses of aboutVND 17 trillion (USD 730 million), according to a Vietnamese Government reportto the National Assembly on November 2./.