Singapore (VNA) – About 265,000 foreign workers in construction,marine shipyard and processing sectors have been given the green light to returnto work in Singapore, said the country’s Ministry of Manpower (MOM).
Of these, 180,000 are residents in dormitories, the ministry saidin a statement on August 4.
TheSingaporean Ministry of Health added that the authorities remain on track toclear all foreign worker dormitories of Covid-19 by August 7.
But 17 standalone blocks in eight purpose-built dormitories will continue toserve as quarantine facilities. They currently house about 9,700 workers, theauthorities said.
By August 3, about 273,000 foreign workers, or close to 90 percentof dorm residents, had either recovered or have been tested and found to befree of COVID-19.
Many of them are staying in cleared dormitories or blocks for recoveredworkers, and can resume work once dormitory operators, employers and workershave made the necessary preparations to minimise the risk of new infections,said MOM.
Aworker allowed to resume work will see a green access code on his SGWorkPassapp, after taking specified steps. These include downloading an app to updatehis health status.
The same day, Cambodian media also reported that Thai authorities have preparedto welcome back workers from Cambodia when the country is entering Phase 7 ofits plan to ease COVID-19-induced lockdown measures./.